Blacks opress themselves and blame whites.

Virginia Beach, VA

I was never one to think of myself as racist. Over the last several years I have watched the black community take over the media with their violent riots they call protests. I have heard their complaints about being shot by white officers just for being black…not for pulling a weapon on an officer or disobeying orders given by white AND black law enforcement. I have heard them cry about being oppressed. I have heard them argue that they don’t have equal opportunity and this is why they continue to fail as a community in general. I have also heard educated non-racist blacks talk about the embarrassment they feel because of the actions of the general assembly of their race. Here is my thought….I am of Native American decent, I am also “white”. I am a single mom, I had my son at 17, I have NEVER received any type of welfare, I have never held less than two jobs. I have raised my son on my own. I am currently working a full-time job, a part-time job, AND am attending college full-time with an anticipated grad. date next fall. I have a ton of student loans and was told when I applied for financial aid that if I were to claim my Native American heritage I would get more free money for school. I was told that if I were black and had more than one child, I would go to school for free. So PLEASE!!!! I BEG YOU to tell me how you are oppressed by the American System! I will continue to work and pay taxes to supply your food, housing, and healthcare costs while you continue to sit on your ass and pop out babies to increase your welfare benefits. I think it’s time to wake up and stop blaming the system or whites for your oppression….you oppress yourself and are STILL to pathetic to take responsibility. I don’t run around claiming that I’m oppressed because my ancestors went though horrible massacres and were stripped of their land. BY THE WAY…if you know black history then you will know that YOUR own race SOLD EACHOTHER! I would be willing to bet that while all these people are throwing around the race card 90% of them could not pass an exam on Black History! There is no United White College Fund…there are so many opportunities given to blacks in America that we have created a mindset of entitlement. It’s the black community’s responsibility to start educating their children instead of corrupting their young minds. Set them up for success and stop embarrassing your race…most of all STOP EMBARRASSSING THE HUMAN RACE!

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