Grandfather’s poker gift a hanging invitation

photo (31)Carol Zachary,
Washington, D.C.–and Montana.

Somehow I kept blocking on three things: A) the six words. . . grandfather, poker, three hangings, an invitation lost for almost 60 years, and my changed perceptions;
B ) the fact that I’ve felt I should know exactly what evidence was presented against the men who were hanged; and C) the lingering question–did my grandfather’s actions help direct me toward family history, or did he see something in me that told him I would cherish his “gift” and do something with it, or was it just the only unique thing he could give a grandchild for winning at nine-card stud. When I finally realized I needn’t answer “B” and “C,” at least not for your project, then I got to “A.”

Listen to Carol Zachary’s story on NPR’s Morning Edition.

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