I Hate Myself for Being White.

Rose Johnson,
Redwood City, CA.

I feel so dirty. I don’t know why. I feel racist even though I go out of my way to be kind to all the Mexican kids at my school, or the homeless African-American guy who camps near the 7-11 I go to after school, because I know they probably get shit on all the time just for having more melanin in their skin than I do. Ferguson hit me really hard, and I wish I could do something, but since I’m white, I feel like people will think I’m just trying to get attention, like, “Oh, look at me! I’m a nice white person! I’M not racist!” I feel like I was just born racist and prejudiced and bigoted because of my skin color. I just hate myself so much. And I know I sound all whiny and pathetic, but I’m really not trying to garner any sympathy. I’m just getting this off my chest.

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