I am proud of my heritage

Patricia Wilson
Laurel, MD

I am a baby boomer and I grew up in the era of segregation, lynching, blatant discrimination, marches, race riots, sit ins, boycotts, fighting for the rights to be treated as human beings, fighting for the right to vote; as well as the right to be recognized as a female with the same rights granted to white females.

Our civil rights forefathers as well as our abolitionist forefathers have done a great deal to bring us out of slavery to where we are today, and for that I will be eternally grateful. If it was not for them I would not have gone to college and earned two master degrees, or own a home, or have a good job. They made this possible for me trough their sacrifice and tireless efforts. But what has happen to the “Black” race. The young people today do not share the same sense of unity and pride as my generation did and do.

I recently attended a 4th of July family function and I was struck by two nieces who was arguing about who was lighter in complexion. Another nephew stated that he did not want to be as “dark” as his dad. This thinking by black children is very disheartening. It is as if they are ashamed to be “Black”( AfroAmerican).

As a Black female I want the right to achieve, to be treated fairly, to be accepted based on my integrity, skills, and education; without being judged based on my skin color. Have Black Americans assimilated, so in the white culture so much until they have forgotten about the struggles and heritage of their own race? If so shame on them.

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