Ta-Nehisi Coates reads from his new book in conversation with Michele Norris at Lannan Foundation lecture in Santa Fe

REPOST Lannan.org
coates-150408-convApril 15, 2015, Ta-Nehisi Coates, writer, journalist, and educator, is also a senior editor for The Atlantic, where he writes about culture, politics, and social issues. His recent piece titled The Case for Reparations intricately and provocatively traces the history of racism in the United States from slavery to recent examples of housing discrimination.

atlantic-reparationsThe much-lauded piece set a single-day traffic record for a magazine article on The Atlantic’s web site, and the attention it has garnered has given Coates a greater forum to wrestle with questions of identity — both blackness and whiteness. The event was followed by a talk with Michele Norris.

This event was part of the In Pursuit of Cultural Freedom lecture series.



Audio and Video courtesy of: http://www.lannan.org/events/ta-nehisi-coates-with-michele-norris/

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