Kofi is a fake white man!

Playboy-Jazz-Festival-2013-1fakeKofi M. G. W. Opantiri,
Los Angeles, CA.

I am the eldest child of two boys and a girl born to an American-African father and a French-Canadian (white) mother. Born in New York City in 1949, the “one-drop” rule informed me early on that I was Negro and colored. Like millions of American-Africans, I became black in the late 1960s as well as Afro-American and African-American later on. Nowadays, I am black, American-African and African.

During a break at work one day, the conversation dwelt briefly on my being an American-African that looked white. At one point, with her infectious laugh, one of the ladies stated, “Awww, Kofi is just a fake white man.” I smile every time I think of that moment.

The photo is of me, my daughter, step-son and daughter-in-law.

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