A mixture that is still white

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Sydney Skroch,
Minneapolis, MN.

I have lived in Minnesota my whole life and my world has opened up extremely slowly to diversity and different cultures. However, learning about the world through the eyes of others has always been super interesting to me, and with every new experience, I feel myself shaping. I am part Italian, Irish and German and I identify as white, but what I have learned that no matter what I identify as, or based on the experiences I have, I will always be seen as white. When I moved to Chile, and met my boyfriend and started learning Spanish, I saw how much perspectives change on race. There, I was still “White” based on skin color, but people thought I was Chilean as well. I chose this black and white picture to show that it is me, without my real skin color showing. I am proud of my heritage and I understand my white privilege, but I am more than just white.

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