My Hair Is Appealing to Me

Chantrice Thomas,
Gretna, LA

Being an American woman with brown skin, I have had my ups and downs with people their opinions about the texture and length of my hair. They have made very intimidating remarks about my hair. I can recall people saying, “Why is your hair so short. Does it not grow?” I have always been taking aback about comments like this as if something is wrong with a woman, especially one of predominately African traits, having short hair. I do not think that is something of value that should be constantly brought up in social settings. I often feel that hair should not define you, especially when I purposely choose to have my hair a certain way. It is for my comfort and pleasure. I also get comments that are subtle but offensive such as, “Do you plan on texturizing and loosening your curls”? I have been more shocked by this comment because I often hear it from people within the same culture as I grew up in, and it is quite appalling. My hair is beautiful and good for me. I can change it up if need be, but it is something that I should lead with. I know that these physical traits are by design and a natural part of life. I am not ashamed.

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