Nickname Joe real name is Jose

Sanger, CA.

My name is Jose im 17 years old as a child growing up in school I was called by Joe by my peers. Ever sense kindergarden my teachers and friends called me Ioe I never knew why until now. I’m a Mexican-American but my skin color is more on the lighter side. Many people ask me what race am I, I ask them what you think and I get white as a response. I learned that me being so light that people call me Joe because I look white many people think my name is Joe but then when they hear my real name they get shocked. Joe is a more white name that usally white people have. My grandparents came from Mexico and I don’t know why I’m so light but I am but I’m not asamed on who I am I’m proud that my full real name is Jose Vincent Ramirez and not Joe that everyone think it is.

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