What does Puerto Rican look like?

Janet Jimenez
Washington, DC

Puertorriqueño(a) is the “proper” term used to address a native islander from Puerto Rico. Do not confuse with Newyoricans, or anyone else born outside the island to Puertorriqueño parents. A real Puertorriqueño(a) knows the words to “La Borinqueña”, speaks Spanish (FLUENTLY), has lived on the island, and cries to the words of “En Mi Viejo San Juan”. Other terms used to refer to a person from “La Tierra del Encanto” are: Puertorro(a) = a shortened version, Borinqueño(a) = after the island’s Taino name “Borikén”; and Boricua = a variant of the previous. The terms Boricua or Puertorro(a) can sometimes be insulting, particularly to an affluent person. However, average people, especially those from the “caserios”, do not typically mind these terms. I copied this from Urban Dictionary as its the one definition I like the best. People mistake me for Lebanese, or some mixed race Latina. Parents are straight up from PR. Gray eyes on the paternal grandparents side and white skin as well. It’s been an interesting subject to explore. What do you say?

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