The Race Card Project Partners with PBS for “America After Ferguson” (1)We are excited to share our partnership with PBS to capture the reactions from “AMERICA AFTER FERGUSON” — a PBS television special moderated by Gwen Ifill.

This PBS town hall meeting, moderated by PBS NEWSHOUR co-anchor and managing editor Gwen Ifill, explores the many issues brought into public discourse in the wake of Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson, Missouri.

AmericaAfterFerguson_1_t700The program, recorded before an audience on the campus of the University of Missouri-St. Louis, includes national leaders and prominent thinkers in the areas of law enforcement, race and civil rights, as well as government officials, faith leaders and youth.

It is such a special treat to work with my dear friend Gwen on this project. She is the perfect person to navigate a deep conversation through difficult terrain.

Gwen Ifill interviews Michele Norris on her Race Card Project:

WATCH America After Ferguson, PBS

READ Gwen’s Take: After Ferguson – What I Learned

Although this powerful town hall taped  in St. Louis, YOUR VOICE can still be included in the dialogue no matter where you are.

Remember to Engage in the coversation via Twitter (#AfterFergusonPBS, #TheRaceCardProject)

Share your SIX WORD reaction to the show at our home

What is your 6-Word Story?
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