Don’t fear me, I’m like you.
Constance Morton, Henderson, NV. I am multi-racial, but what you see when you look at me is my connection to Africa. But my ancestors came...
My dad was born in Kenya (and he is not black)
Jess, Valencia, CA. My dad was born in Kenya. People then assume he is black, and I do not blame them. However, before I can...

”I am white, But not racist.”
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I’ve been called racist just by talking to someone of color. As someone whose ancestors...
We all come from Black ancestry.
Lezlie Graebel, Mount Shasta, CA. Science has showed us that our origins are from Africa. With the exception of those in Europe who have the...
Why historically white countries become “diverse”?
Benito Camela, Dallas, TX. Why no calls for diversity in Africa, South America or Asia? Just Europe, and even countries with no significant history of...
I wish I knew my roots…
Tiffany Chatman Loganville, GA African-American? Well, where in Africa? Should I just be American since that is the only place that I have ever lived...

We all have ancestors from Africa
Lane Ikenberry, Submitted via Twitter: @LaunchSprocket @michele_norris @NPR @IamDonCheadle

Karen Dahn, Athens, OH. I went to Liberia as a Peace Corps Volunteer right out of college in the late 60’s, after having grown up...

I actually live in a house
Ribora, Riverside, CA. As an International student, it can be offensive to think just because a person is from Africa, they come from a jungle...
I am proud to be black
Ntwali Gaju, Riverside, CA. It amazes me how difficult is for us people to accept and appreciate how God made us and other around the...
No. Where are you REALLY from?
Barry M Toronto, Canada This six word combination together with two other six word combos (Are you from Jamaica or Africa? — No. Where were...
Where does your family come from?
Cecelia H Philadelphia, PA I remember being in fourth grade and the entire class had to make a dish displaying their ancestry and representing where...
Black in America, white in Africa
Dauda Ladipo Nigeria Grew up and live in both the US and Nigeria. Because of my mixed racial heritage I got used to being viewed...
Surrounded by brown and welcomed in.
Allison Valeri Charlotte, NC In 2011, I took a trip to Kenya, Africa where my team and I were welcomed in as family. We were...
What am I? Kenyan, or American?
Nichole Coates Siloam Springs, AR I’m American by birth, but spent my entire childhood in Africa.