My voice is always hidden away.
Brandy Roberts, Cottonport, LA. I am a loving mom of 2 beautiful kids. I am proud to be white, and I can not voice that...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Brandy Roberts, Cottonport, LA. I am a loving mom of 2 beautiful kids. I am proud to be white, and I can not voice that...
Ebony Nichole, Cincinnati, OH For three days after my birth I was nameless because my Mama didn’t know she was having a girl. Born very...
Seungmin Shin, Korea, Republic of. I’ve been watching standing comedies these days, but I stopped watching it recently. I found a serious irony from those...
Stetson King, USA. The British should reunite all of Ireland and apologize for their willful neglect.
Dave Ihde, Minneapolis, MN. Don’t consider myself a racist, but feel like I get lumped in with all of perpetrators of past/present wrongs. I agree...
Douglas Wayne Thomas, Kissamee, Fl. I am not apologizing for something I have no control over. Every major contribution to mankind was done by people...
Anonymous, IL. Life is hard enough for everybody without guilting everybody for transgressions they had nothing to do with. My ancestors fought for the South,...
Felix, USA. I never owned a slave nor have I ever condoned slavery. My skin color does not make me guilty of any crime.
Mike Wenli, Tulsa, OK. I am White. I will never apologize for my existence.
Linda Sharples Riverside, CA Whatever I say will be deemed racist as I am white. Very few of us are of one pure race any...
Carole Woods Sequim, WA Sue worked for my grandmother without pay in Sumter, South Carolina, from her teenage years in the early 20th century until...
Steven Wood El Cajon, CA It is really difficult to explain to people that I’m proud of my heritage, especially among my educated friends. It...