Life as a Minority Black Woman
Olivia Taylor, Ames, IA Life as a black woman and at that a Minority is hard and challenging. Especially living in a primarily white town...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Olivia Taylor, Ames, IA Life as a black woman and at that a Minority is hard and challenging. Especially living in a primarily white town...
Elecia Terrell, Arlington, TX I’m very proud of my blackness. To many, we’re too loud, always angry, ghetto, love chicken and watermelon, always on government...
Jasmine Dixon, Virginia Beach, VA Gods image of you is how we are created. This is the the body he wanted us to have. Along...
Sonja, East Cleveland, OH My children are not biracial and their last name is Cohen. However their great great grandfather who married a black woman...
Cheryl Evans, Whitehall, PA. I am a black woman who works in a white male dominated field. Many of my coworkers, over the years, have...
Anzita, New Orleans, LA At the time I was born my grandmother was 40 and already had a grandchild. I have two sons with a...
Anonymous, Northampton, MA. He’s a white European, and has never considered black women to be attractive, apparently until he met me and we got to...
Kwazi Owens Washington, DC I see so much divisiveness among black women due to colorism. I remember growing up and girls automatically not liking me...
Stephanie Lawrence, Baltimore, MD Outside and inside of the black community black women are often looked down upon. We always work harder than anyone else,...
Rosina B., Temecula, CA. African Americans come in all colors and hues, and just because my skin may be light it does not make me...
Akaya Windwood Oakland, CA Hated hearing that. I must have heard that 100 times when I was young.
Reion’ne Stewart, New Orleans, LA I am a Biology Pre-Med student at Dillard University. I am also a dark-skin woman with locs. I also just...
Jan Miles, New Orleans, LA. I’m not a woman–I’m a BLACK woman. I’m not a writer–I’m a BLACK writer. In law school, I was a...
Rita, Slidell, LA I chose a black married mother, who works because I am. A lot of people do not know what it is like...
Sylvia Jones, Virginia Beach, VA This is a thoughtful project to do. Everyone should give themselves a little time to think about themselves, positively.