Race does not define you character.
Ethan Boroskin, Rockville, MD I am a member of Montgomery College’s “ACES Ambassador Leadership Program” AALP. Each of our 24 members decided it was important...
Stereotypes are a result of laziness
Christal L, Wayne State, Detroit, MI Instead of getting to know people, some find it easier to put people into boxes. Black = bad. White...

Changing the path of my children!!
Tina Bradford, Chino Hills, CA. Being raised in a home where “White is Right,” I only had one thing I could do. So I went...
Character is more important than race.
Richard Byrnes, Sellersville, PA Forget this race baiting. It is divisive. Live by MLK’s philosophy of judging people by their character, and not by the...

Judge by character, not by color.
Helen Zhang, Camarillo, CA. When I was in middle school, I noticed that my classmates tended to form “cliques” with people of the same ethnicity....

The consequences of hegemony are blinding.
Alba Isabel Lamar, China. The idea of beauty has, for many years, been defined by western ideology and western media. Women of color are both...
Dark skin woman; I love me
Sylvia, Memphis, TN. Thank you for this outlet. Letting people share their experiences, personal opinion & self worth, and/or reflecting on others in a limited...
We must overcome deeply rooted racism.
Amanda Adams, MA. People don’t realize how deeply ingrained racism is in our country and in the whole world. We can’t ignore such a painful...
Character content matters not skin color
Mitch Jenkins, New York, NY. One ideology is consumed with, obsessed with, and fixated on race yet calls the opposing ideology racist.

In Rwanda they were all black.
Jan Ramer, Indianapolis, IN. I lived in Rwanda for 2.5 years, and got a small taste of what it is like to be in the...
Race Doesn’t Exist, We Create It
Jenna DeBell, LONGWOOD, FL. Race doesn’t exist, we create it. The concept of race has always baffled me. Judging a person’s character, intelligence and abilities...
If we ignore it, it’ll leave.
Nick Lakewood, CO Personally, my experience with racism hasn’t been very bad, Growing up in this time period, my generation has come to accept the...

Defined by my character, not race.
Kim Hollins, Portland, OR. It’s all about who you are and not what you look like in my book. A person’s character can greatly affect...

I am me, not my race
Dawn Taylor, Alta Loma, CA. I don’t want to be defined by the color of my skin and I don’t define others by the color...