Men I love aren’t safe here
Arlinda Vaughn, Dayton, OH. My partner is a tall, dark muscular black man (with a PHD). When he lived in Texas, the police arrived at...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Arlinda Vaughn, Dayton, OH. My partner is a tall, dark muscular black man (with a PHD). When he lived in Texas, the police arrived at...
Dale Kolomaznik, Dayton, OH. I’d love to be a part of future discussions on this topic. I became interested I’m racial relations when, as an...
Melissa Lush, Dayton, OH. Can we learn to recognize the racism that lives within us even when we swear it does not? How to reach...
Ava Chamberlain, Dayton, OH. I don’t understand the phrase “heritage not hate.” It suggests the two are mutually exclusive categories. In reality, the heritage of...
Janet Little Dayton, OH From a rural, small town- I hadn’t seen any couples that were of different races. During the 1994 OJ Simpson trials,...
David Dayton, OH I’m tired of Racism, I’m tired of tip-toeing around racial issues, I’m tired of people blaming “political correctness,” I’m tired of worrying...