Magnanimous old white dude making meaning
Charles A. Calahan, West Lafayette, IN Each of us needs time to develop across differences across our life span.
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Charles A. Calahan, West Lafayette, IN Each of us needs time to develop across differences across our life span.
Booker Evans, Minot, ND. Essentially people are the same except for a few percent DNA….most differences and responses to those perceived differences are manufactured. Perhaps...
Jean M. Hebrard Ann Arbor, MI Understanding Race Project – University of Michigan
Nick Fidurko, Elmira, NY We now as adults in the next generation of teachers have the job to educate and show others, along with our...
Racquel Picou, New Orleans, LA. Aspen X To me race is just a social and political construct that is very binding. A reason for humans...
Rose Mary Prifest, Wayne State, Harper Woods, MI If there is anything important I learned in my lifetime, it’s acceptance of peoples’ differences. The key...
Mel, Sharpsburg, GA The world would be very boring if we all looked the same. I love the variety of colors we see in the...
Manuel Catalan, Lompoc, CA. Being a Mexican American always makes me think about how race affects everyone. I was born in the United States but...
Maeve, Ypsilanti, MI. I grew up in an international school where we celebrated each other’s differences. It was a rude awakening to grow up and...
Jean M. Hebrard Ann Arbor, MI Understanding Race Project – University of Michigan
Tyler Levine, Submitted via Twitter: @Tyler1l1 @michele_norris #theracecardproject
Molly W., Denver, CO. I am a 6th grade teacher and my class has been reading Fire From the Rock about the integration of Central...
Rochelle Fritsch WI The country’s history and current tension around race and ethnicity create a pull in which some of us need to talk about...
Sarah Whitlock Indianapolis, IN It is so frustrating to be around people who are discriminatory. I am tired of having to worry about offending someone...
Jeanne L, Little Falls, MN. I don’t care if you are white, black, brown, yellow, red, purple or green we all bleed the same color,...