Be more kind with every person
Wu Feier, China In my opinion, human beings belong to the same earth, so we should be kind to everyone, this is the best way...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Wu Feier, China In my opinion, human beings belong to the same earth, so we should be kind to everyone, this is the best way...
Spencer, Wilmington, NC. Everyone dies. And when we do die, there will be no color, just bones and dirt. It’s funny that race is so...
Patti Downing, Kansas City, MO Attended the Race Place & Diversity Symposium and luncheon yesterday. It was a fun and wonderful experience. If all of...
Wali Shakur, Santa Fe, NM. Disband all use of the word race (and all of it’s uses) and most economic models will collapse. Peace.
Paul Avery, Chicago, IL. I am part Mexican and Black, live in Chicago, going to City Colleges, wish I could leave earth for a planet...
Christopher Davies, Bridgewater, MA. For the hogwash between people with different skin types to lessen it is up to parents to teach their children that...
Mark A Tyler, Perris, CA. As an astronomer I see the Earth as a speck of life in a sea of emptiness. If we never...
Ruth A Kees, Oakland, CA We are a mixture of the changes in a very changing world. Tribes helped us survive and tribes have split...
AJ Burris Rowlett TX If aliens showed up we’d either have a big picture sense of our differences or a mutual enemy
Olga Johnson, Wayne State, Detroit, MI Race is becoming more difficult to distinguish according to google, due to intermarriages, travel and better communications between humans...
Rachel, USA. We must not be complicit in oppression. Come let us follow the Lamb who has conquered sin and death to bring justice and...
Marilyn Toby Drucker, Washington Crossing, PA. We are all part of the family on Earth. I do not want race and culture to separate us,...
Aaron Fitzgerald, Australia. It is OK to be white, we are NOT responsible for all the problems that the POC world faces; that the Jewish-run,...
Patricia Butler Phoenix, AZ When did we start calling people from other countries aliens? I hate that term and the inequality it suggests. All of...
Ben Davis, Saint Augustine, FL. Each person on Earth should have our respect, unless lost for good reason.