Your experience does not invalidate mine
Elya, Chevy Chase, MD. I grew up very privileged, and when I realized that I was being bullied by my white peers because of race,...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Elya, Chevy Chase, MD. I grew up very privileged, and when I realized that I was being bullied by my white peers because of race,...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I wrote this six word memoir because people should know that no one should assume...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts 7th Grade Trailblazer I used to think that I was not any other type of race than Mexican...
Sozit Mohamed, Sunnyvale, CA. Being Ethiopian with Arab heritage in my family, most do not believe I’m black/African. Also, being black and muslim, seems to...
Abesheet Seattle, WA America may lump us all together; but as far as we are concerned, american-born blacks might as well have been white or...