Imagine yourself walking in their shoes.
Robin Smiley, Kirkland, WA I’m a 74-year-old white female. I was born in California and mostly raised in the Seattle area. I taught school in...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Robin Smiley, Kirkland, WA I’m a 74-year-old white female. I was born in California and mostly raised in the Seattle area. I taught school in...
Marilyn Blotcher Mitchell, Tallahassee, FL Grew up in Miami; Cuban refugees started coming when I was in elementary school. Bumper stickers said “Will the last...
Bruce Flippens, Washington DC. I was told that by the first man who hired me when I left the Army. He hired me because of...
Deborah Halperin, Bloomington, IL A man said this to me while we were in line at the post office. I was 18 and had just...
Jesus Castro Menifee, CA California Baptist University CBU HIS311 I was born in Mexico and am the first person in my family to have a...
Hannah Anderson, Southeastern Community College, IA >My upbringing was different than most, I visited a majority of North America by 13. As a child I...
Sophia Villasenor, Anaheim, CA Moving to Boise, Idaho when I was 7, I dealt with a change. I quickly felt as if I wasn’t the...
G. Wilkins, Lakewood, CO At 5’2” I was a petite young White female who adored road trips, had driven mostly alone through all of the...
Mario Lopez, Chicago, IL Our family was on vacation on the way to visit family in Mexico and we went to some restaurant in Texas...
Adrianne Tomkinson, Aurora, IL I am white. I am female. I grew up poor with black, brown, white and yellow neighbors. I loved and felt...
JOLIE HUGHES, NEW LONDON, NH 1968. I was 7 years old and in 2nd grade when I was aware of one little girl’s shiny, pressed...
Phyllis A. Christie, Plover, WI I have learned more about our racial diversity, our racial tensions, and our racial inequities in the past three years...
John Stephens, New Market, VA. Many years ago, when I was a young man, I went to see the movie The Defiant Ones with Tony...
Bobbi McCullen, Atlanta, GA I remember the first time I was made aware of “race”. My family had just moved to a new town, and...
Tayeece, NH Since I was born, nobody could pronounce my name. In school, appointments, meeting new people, etc. Everyday I would have to explain the...
Rachel Forester, Attica, MI For almost my whole work life, I worked as clerical help in a fairly large hospital Emergency Room. I held several...
Amberly Richins, Rigby, ID. Through my experiences living in another country for a couple years I’ve learned that the most rewarding feeling in the world...