I’ll embrace who I am always
Brittany Sanchez, Frederick, MD My background has a large impact on the type of person I am today. Through my family and culture I motivated...
My son can wear a hood.
Kristin Christy, Frederick, MD. When my son began high school in the fall of 2011, he chose not to request a locker; preferring instead to...
Just got blamed for being white.
Anonymous Frederick, MD Another woman just stopped on the street and screamed at me because I’m white and that must make me privileged. She has...
I am NOT Anglo, I’m human.
Kara Frederick, MD This sentiment comes from living in Laredo, TX, where the town is 95% ethnically Mexican and very racist against anybody who is...
He’s not allowed in this house
Linda Basilicato Frederick, MD My mother’s comment on my new, polite, handsome, articulate, smart, college boyfriend in 1993. “I had black friends–in school.” (My mother’s...