Sammy Bell San Francisco, CA Blazing Saddles is a satirical comedy by Mel Brooks that mocks racism, elitism, class-ism, cronyism, and sexism in a western...
Susan Roedl Minneapolis, MN Like much of the country I’m sad and confused at the Trayvon Martin verdict. How can George Zimmerman claim self defense...
Martin MacKenzie Clackamas, OR I think these discussions have become so politically charged that no on can escape danger to one’s job, civil liability, or...
Christina Wong Seattle, WA I’m a second generation Asian American woman who married into a Caucasian family. I have always felt Americanized and never really...
Cindi Lagoudakis Petersburg, AK I’m still shocked by this verdict. And it’s sad and ironic that George Zimmerman, in playing judge and jury, has sentenced...
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