America must pay retribution for slavery
Craig, Spain. I feel that until Black America is united with White America on all levels, inequality will be the cause of crime, murder and...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Craig, Spain. I feel that until Black America is united with White America on all levels, inequality will be the cause of crime, murder and...
Tom Dierolf Brevard, NC If you saw a photo of me among asian, black and latino faces, and asked to pick the immigrants to the...
Deborah Lenoir-Hebert Antananarivo, Madagascar I grow up in France (provence) with my white-adoptive-parents and come from Madagascar, which used to be an ancient french colony....
Reich Krieger Germany Americans: “There are indigenous people that were here first.” Asians: “There are indigenous people that were here first.” Africa: “There are indigenous...
Tony Moody Germany I am a retired Military Officer and Civil Service Employee. I live in Germany. A few times people assumed I am African...