“I can marry whoever I want.”
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I never really have thought through what my grandma was saying. I was only just...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I never really have thought through what my grandma was saying. I was only just...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Through parts of my life people and kids that I have known claim that something...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I’ve been called racist just by talking to someone of color. As someone whose ancestors...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer It has always confused me when people call others “white”, or “black”, because no one’s...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I wrote this six word memoir because people should know that no one should assume...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer I have watched movies and shows where actors make fun of Mexicans. This really doesn’t...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Last year when the police brutality shootings started, my parents talked to me about what...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Lots of people have asked me if I was Filipino. I’ve always had the same...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Before this project I didn’t know much about race or racism, but then I figured...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Growing up I never encountered racism. I use to think everyone had the privilege to...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Race and racism isn’t something I’ve had really any experiences with all my life. I...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Personally, people haven’t been racist to me, but I have heard racist things being said...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Even if I haven’t really been discriminated against by groups of people thinking they are...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer To me race is just a made up way to put people in groups, based...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Both my parents grew up in Mexico. When people see me they think they have...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Before we did this project, I thought that race, was just, race, everyone had a...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Why people often think that they can only be one thing for their entire life...