Be more kind with every person
Wu Feier, China In my opinion, human beings belong to the same earth, so we should be kind to everyone, this is the best way...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Wu Feier, China In my opinion, human beings belong to the same earth, so we should be kind to everyone, this is the best way...
Vasvi Babu, Scottsdale, AZ. Romindian: 50% East Indian, 50% Romanian. Married 21 years at a time when few Indian women married outside their own. Boys...
R.E.A.L. Talk, High Tech Middle Media Arts, 7th Grade Trailblazer Through parts of my life people and kids that I have known claim that something...
Alex Armstrong San Diego, CA For some of us, we don’t quite fit here or there.
Marc L. Watts Fullerton, CA Keep up all the good work that you do. I’ll always view you as that younger sister I never had.