Thaddeus, Nashville, TN. I was raised poor in Louisiana where the generations of my family before me farmed and picked cotton, fished and lived off...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Thaddeus, Nashville, TN. I was raised poor in Louisiana where the generations of my family before me farmed and picked cotton, fished and lived off...
Sarah Staples, Nashville, TN. I grew up in a predominantly white community in a city that was predominantly black and hispanic or latino. My best...
Lynell, Nashville, TN. “We live in a system that espouses merit, equality, and a level playing field, but exalts those with wealth, power, and celebrity,...
Emily Green-Cain, Nashville, TN. I grew up in the city where James Lawson led teach-ins for non-violence that led to sit-ins throughout the Southeast. No...
Gentry Hopkins, Nashville, TN Being biracial presently gives an interesting viewpoint on many social aspects. I often get the questions “are you more white or...
Jason Williams, Nashville, TN. Take pride in this great nation, remember those who built it.
Josh Garcia, Nashville, TN. Attempts to recruit and retain diversity in corporate America do not seem to have changed the demographics I observe in the...
Sarah Walton Nashville, TN I descend directly from southern slave-owners and, more recently, racists. My family’s wealth is built on the backs of over a...
Lyn Franklin Hoyt, Nashville, TN. I’m on a search, a journey for words, to figure out how my family heritage can be used for good...
Cole, Nashville, TN. A lot of my family comes from Spain and Latin America. And I take pride in that. Every once in a while...
JMM, Nashville, TN. I’m white. 100% pale as can be white. I grew up as one of a small handful of white children in my...
Gary Seven Nashville, TN All during the election season, conservatives were claiming that President Obama did nothing to unify the country about issues of race,...