Indian with a feather, not a DOT
Courtney Randolph Norfolk, VA I’m actually Native American. I hate this phrase. So generalizing.

Too mixed too choose just one!
Tess Escoto, Citrus Heights, CA. My roots are in Texas and Mexico. While some may look at me and say that I appear to be...
“Reverse Racism”? Your privilege is showing…
Andrew V. Chavanak Falls City, NE When companies choose to make diversity a priority in hiring, or universities seek to create a more diverse student...
People in majority should experience minority.
Dennis Searcy, AR I know a man, a white man, who is upset lately about the possibility of the Redskins changing their name. He thinks...
I’m not Hispanic, thanks for asking.
Elizabeth Norris Taylor Fernandina Beach, FL I have lived my entire life with people coming up to me and asking, “what are you?” For a...
Black out side. Mixed in Side.
Eddy Bowen Madison, WI I chose these words because It’s my cultural anthropology. most people when they “see” me they just see a normal black...
What are you? White, Indian or Mexican?
Ronald Hill Grove Hill, PA My biological father was Mexican and split before I was born. The man I call my dad is white. My...
Native American. We are still here.
Vamori Burgheim Anchorage, AK Survivors of genocide, we are still here.
You mean to say Native American
Swapnil Deopurkar Seattle, WA I moved from India to Ann Arbor, Michigan; age 26, male, long hair, parted down the middle and with a pony...
I’m a mutt and I’m proud!
Lily Nadal Asheville, NC I’m one quarter Irish, one quarter Greek, one quarter Puerto Rican, and one quarter Native American. And even though I have...
Easily suspended, can destroy their lives.
Jill Shortreed Maplewood, MN My nephew is half Native American. He was kicked out of school for carrying a box cutter in his pocket that...
I’m not white; I am Czech
Joseph San Diego, CA There is no box for me. I am lumped in with all others who are not Asian, African-American, Latino, Native American,...
Why did you hide our heritage?
Grace Ostrum, PA. Didn’t know I was Native American Indian until I was 38 years old. My family still won’t talk about it.
Fear and hate only bring sadness.
Lantien Chu Lander, WY I am Chinese and get profiled as Native American, followed in stores, refused for rentals. Kids have asked me if I...
“American Mutt: Black, White and Native American” (That’s me!)
BKNYla Submitted via Twitter: @bknyla #TheRaceCardProject