My dream one race human race
Anthony P. Larson, Phoenix, AZ. I think my six words speak for themselves. We are all children if the same God .
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Anthony P. Larson, Phoenix, AZ. I think my six words speak for themselves. We are all children if the same God .
Eric Medina, Grand Terrace, CA. I have always been unsure about what nationality to identify with. I have resolved to identify with the human race....
Pilar Leano, San Francisco, CA. This was said to me in a small town of Fremont, Ohio. In fact, they got my nationality wrong also...
Louis Lares, Riverside, CA. We must end racial segregation, and racial diversity. We ARE ALL HUMANS. Not different just because of color.
Sarah Brush, Delaware, OH. I have friends that are of other races and I don’t care about their skin tone or how they look. I...
Maribel Padilla, West Babylon, NY. I’m in Suffolk County, NY, a predominately white, conservative, suburb in NY and I can’t stand the ignorance anymore!
Maggie Trias, Boulder, CO. I am half Puerto Rican, but I look white, and lost contact with my Puerto Rican family a long time ago....
Nik Parttridge, TN. I am classified as White/Caucasian because of how I look. This does NOT mean that I am the same people who enslaved...
Brandon Attala, Grand Rapids, MI. ‘Race’ is just a way to classify ourselves on a more individual level. In actuality, we are all made...
Lyndsey Wong, Oakland, CA. I am a junior at Bishop O’Dowd High School in Oakland, CA, in the English class of Ms. Sarah Tunik.