Yo dude do you have Coronavirus?
B, Orange, CA This is something that I heard Chinese students being asked while at school when the outbreak happened. No, they did not have...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
B, Orange, CA This is something that I heard Chinese students being asked while at school when the outbreak happened. No, they did not have...
Jane Medina Orange, CA My daughter Annie had just turned 21. So she, my husband, my son, and I put on our cocktail party clothes...
Norma Pahl, Orange, CA I am American, I was born here and was raised here my entire life, I have never even been out of...
Grant Peters, Orange, CA I come from a wealthy suburb of the Bay Area in CA. I grew up in a bubble of sorts that...
Sam, Orange, CA Growing up as mixed race being both Mexican and white, I’ve struggled with my identity as a Mexican person feeling that I...
Matthew Montoya, Orange, CA I understand Spanish but I can speak fluently. I get embarrassed because fluent Spanish speakers are no help to teach, they...
Steven Jacob Alvarez, Orange, CA. I’m about 85% Mexican, and 15% Irish. Throughout my early life, I always considered myself purely Mexican. It wasn’t until...
Brenna McCurry, Orange, CA. I feel like because I am white people get mad at me for asking questions or saying anything about race/ethnicity. I...
Steve Keating Canton, MI When I was three I saw my across-the-stree neighbor for the first time. He was black and I greew up in...
Kelly Cirigliano Orange, CA I am ostensibly white. In the secrecy of my heart, I am embarrassed of my race. Often I feel the urge...
Khemani G Orange, NJ It bothers me sometimes when I am filling something out and the race box says only African American when I am...