“My Blood is Red, What’s Yours”
Ralanda King, Philadelphia, PA. Born and raised in the city of brotherly love, but I’m full of sisterly affection, I not black but brown and...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Ralanda King, Philadelphia, PA. Born and raised in the city of brotherly love, but I’m full of sisterly affection, I not black but brown and...
Ralanda King, Philadelphia, PA. Born and raised in the city of brotherly love, but I’m full of sisterly affection, I not black but brown and...
George Sakalian, Sweden These were my thoughts when as a small boy in the 1930’s i first heard of “colored people” with no explanation. I...
Bari Goodblood Lehn Wetzel County, WV Born to a Santee Sioux mother and a German father in the Midwest. They met and married when she...
Ann Lee Adams, Corvallis, OR. My father was part Cherokee. But we were raised white. So I don’t know what to feel…or be.
Michele Moreno-Cheverez, Santa Barbara, CA. Everyone deserves equality, equity, respect, compassion, empathy and a chance in life. One world~one people.
Susan Hirtz, Vallejo, CA. My contribution is to create historical fiction for young adult readers incorporating upbeat stories about our diverse backgrounds.
Jorge Grand Rapids, MI I am Hispanic and proud to be so. Growing up I realized that my skin was darker than my brothers’ and...
Joni Graves, Spring Green, WI. I made this mash-up design for a t-shirt after an unfortunate coincidence in my email inbox. Prior to today’s announcement...
Shelly Watson, Bethel Acres, OK. When I was a teenager, other American Indians used to call me Apple.
Nathalie Gregoire New York City, NY Brooklyn All my life I have been judged. When we see black people we automatically think they are thieves....
Grace Terrfy, Tampa, FL. People are hung up on color but our lifeline is our blood and that’s where we are all the same color....