Not what you think I am
Mahealani Smith Seattle, WA People always ask me, “What are you? Where are you from?” They always try to guess, based on my name or...
Heinz 57, female human; earthling, mutt
Kiburi Jamila Robinson Seattle, WA Already submitted another post card because just like I have two races and many ethnicitioes in my DNA , I...
I’m American. I’m Filipino. Not Filipino-American.
Michelle Umadhay Seattle, WA Many people do not realize that when one culture interacts w/ American culture, in many ways, a third culture is born.
I can’t help my own privilege
Laura Rogers Seattle, WA I know I have privilege in our country, as an upper-middle-class white woman. I don’t need to be told this again...
I’m gay. Doesn’t make me white.
SeattleBookmonger Seattle, WA My dad’s white, my mom’s Japanese. People like me aren’t new but we’re reinvented every few years. I wish I could say...