Earthlings, Our Race is Human Race
Loren Broyles, Spokane, WA. We all have our own path and yet we all want to be happy and avoid suffering.

We are beautifully different, but EQUAL.
Emily Vallies, Spokane, WA. I am happy to participate in a project like this. It is very important to me that people start realizing their...

She will never have a quinceanera
Alicia Villa, Spokane, WA. Collected from The Race Card Project, Spokane Falls Community College
Asians are still humans deserving love
Spike Fongchon, Spokane, WA Asians are just like other human beings with emotions just like others, what makes them different is skin color.

“He’s not heavy. He’s my brother”
Anonymous, Spokane, WA. Playing on the radio when my 16-year-old friend in high school came back to school after her brother was murdered someone playing...

“I’m Black, I can’t be racist”
Amy Kilfoyle, Spokane, WA. I worked at a group home for children with behavioral and developmental problems. This home has one female unit and 4...

Being a mulatto woman is complicated.
Dorian N. Spokane, WA. I am mulatto. I have a black father and white mother. I love being bi-racial, I take pride in it and...

Nobody really knows the stories underneath.
Bobbi Josephine Smith, Spokane, WA. We could learn a lot from others if we only took the time to get know them.

We are diverse by Divine design
Ruth Lee, Spokane, WA. We are each exactly what we are meant to be. There are no mistakes for our journey here on Earth.