When your blueprint is pretty funny
Jilly Bean, Houston, TX The blueprint for my life was etched from a very young age. I was told constantly by everyone that I was...

Only one race – the human race!
Ralph Tobias, Corpus Christi, TX I feel that hyper-focusing on our superficial, earthly race goes against what Martin Luther King, Jr., said about the content...

Mexicana by bood, American by birth.
Citlalli, Arlington, TX This is a powerful statement that captures the dual identity many individuals experience, particularly those who are of Mexican heritage but born...
Silent struggle: impact of reverse racism
K’Lee Rudd, Fort Worth, TX I’m mainly doing this for a sociology assignment…it made me think about how I was mistreated as a minority in...
Stop asking if my hair’s real.
Michelle Ross, Fort Worth, TX I’ve always had really long hair and I attest it to my Native American heritage. But I’m so tired of...
Everyone is unique on their own
Pam Hung, Fort Worth, TX Every race and every culture has a distinct beauty within them. Just as everyone is different based on race, we...
Judged by Locs, but not my heart
Samyiah Presley, Grand Prairie, TX I chose these six words because they reflect the experience of being judged based on my appearance—specifically my dreadlocks—rather than...
Being different doesn’t me I’m undeserving
Reel Elsharif, Euless, TX Don’t treat those as less just because they are different than you.

Hi, I’m Black and I’m PROUD!
Elecia Terrell, Arlington, TX I’m very proud of my blackness. To many, we’re too loud, always angry, ghetto, love chicken and watermelon, always on government...
Im Mixed I shouldnt have to choose
Tahtianah, Hurst, TX p>I’m mixed I should not have to choose one of my ethnicities to be apart of I should be able to be...