Race stolen when ancestors abused enslaved.
Janie Hill Hatton, Milwaukee, WI First National Principal of the Year 1994 I value this project and hope it will prompt conversations to unite the...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Janie Hill Hatton, Milwaukee, WI First National Principal of the Year 1994 I value this project and hope it will prompt conversations to unite the...
Gabriel Rouse, Madison, WI. I’ve always felt like race is a simpler issue than we as humans like to make it. Why can’t everybody love...
Mark Loup, Williams Bay, IL. This is one of the reasons I’m glad I left Chicago, one of the most segregated big cities in America....
Jim Zeirke, Sussex, WI. I’ve faced more overt racism than most blacks. While much of black racism is discreet, I’ve been told to my face...
Anonymous, Milwaukee, WI. After writing/blogging about race for over 15 years at Blackfriendonline.com there is only 1 thing I’ve learned. We all want and fear...
Carolyn Spoerl, Hudson, WI. I taught in the Dominican Republic for a year and came back to teach in a rural American classroom. These two...
Carlos, Beloit, WI. What does an American Look Like? The real question is, “what was the intentional look of an American.” America is a history...
Rochelle Fritsch WI The country’s history and current tension around race and ethnicity create a pull in which some of us need to talk about...
Ben, Madison, WI. Every time I think about race, especially when I’m asked to indicate it, I feel three things: anxiety, resentment and shame. Anxiety:...
Colin Schmidt Sun Prairie, WI I worked at a retail store in high school, and this struck me as an example of the subtle racism...
Reem Totonchi, Madison, WI. The guesses are almost never correct, unless they come from a fellow Middle-Easterner. “Where are you from?” they ask, eyes smiling...