Black women not angry just tired
Stephanie Lawrence, Baltimore, MD Outside and inside of the black community black women are often looked down upon. We always work harder than anyone else,...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Stephanie Lawrence, Baltimore, MD Outside and inside of the black community black women are often looked down upon. We always work harder than anyone else,...
James Rojas, Buena Park, CA Hello, I am a Mexican who was born here in the United States. I moved to Mexico at a young...
Andrea Canchola, San Antonio, TX. As a young, Latina, woman I feel that I have to be better than everyone just to be equal. I’m...
Jeanie Mitchell, Atlantic Beach, FL. I’m a taxi driver. I’ve been accused of being too liberal to be a cab driver. I see so much,...
Andrew S. Philadelphia, PA. To say minorities had it easy in this country would be like saying the sky is green, both insanely false statements....
Kate Moss, Tuscaloosa, AL. The narrative of ‘work hard and you will flourish’ has become the rallying cry for people unwilling to face the realities...