Had to always prove myself better.
Mitchell Frank Reynolds Powell, Pemberton, NJ I started my work life at 17 years old, in the US Airforce and retired the first time 24...
The Race Card Project
By Michele Norris
Mitchell Frank Reynolds Powell, Pemberton, NJ I started my work life at 17 years old, in the US Airforce and retired the first time 24...
King I Allah Lowell, MA This question is at work and on the streets (I’m a so-called Hispanic teacher in a predominantly white teaching force...
Morgan Tyree, Powell, WY. Many Blacks have White friends and associates, most probably always have. But not so for Whites. If more Whites knew individuals...
Ann Murphy, England I worked in a fabric store in A predominantly white, middle class city in Southern England. I myself am white Irish and...
Yia Yang, Saint Paul, MN. I’m a student, just any regular student who listen and do their work. I don’t always get good grade or...
Linda Leigh Hargrove, Concord, NC. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stood on the Lincoln Memorial and made a game-changing speech. More than 250,000 people stood...
Jessica Flake, Amelia, OH I work as a demo’s assistant at an international grocery store which will not be named for advertising purposes. Being in...
Jeysi Guillen, New Orleans, LA Aspen X The stereotypes that a lot of people have about Latinx in America.
Sam Smith, Stafford, TX. Ya I figured that would catch people off guard. I’ve been a salesperson now for about 10 years in Houston. Love...
Fay Gilder, United Kingdom We never had conversations about race in my family. I grew up in a multiracial environment but each other’s experiences were...
Stefanie Bernosky, Houston, TX. I was raised as an All-American girl to an All-American family in an All-American town. I even looked “All-American”, proudly featuring...
Mechelle E. Salley, Denver, CO It’s important, especially during these times, to be your full authentic self. Whether that is wearing your big natural afro,...
Zuleka Grant, Summerville, SC If you ever look on google for work-appropriate or professional hair it is full of straight hair and Caucasian styles, but...
David Boehnlein, Hampton, VA p>I am a retired White physicist and worked with hundreds of colleagues over the course of my career. I could count...
Jamila Wolters, Portland, OR I am a White-passing, Mexican woman with an Arabic name and have heard this statement from people of all races. The...
Stacy Reuille-Dupont, Durango, CO. This was a statement made to me by a woman at work. She was a client, me an employee. She had...
Rob West, Lakeland, FL I am a leader in the industry & in the community and I am well respected. Most days, I wear a...