Michael Lobaton,
Nearly all my life I’ve heard the term “Pinoy Pride.” A term that I’ve used myself and many other filipinos/filipinas alike, essentially the term is the idea that we as community should be proud of the Phillippines and the culture we’ve created. “Developing and maintaining a nationally identity based largely shared characteristics such as language, race, religion or pinoy goal”. I’m not afraid to say that I’m proud to filipino, but the term has garnered itself as a disguise of the country’s constant look for validation, and such it brings us to let people see us that we aren’t really proud of who we are as a country. Perhaps I’m biased, but I think ‘Pinoy Pride’ is something everybody should have. Being proud of where you came from, the culture that you celebrate, the ideals and beliefs that we’ve grown to accept. It’s something that I believe is important for everyone to have, that outlook of confidence for themselves and the ideals they cherish truly.