You think I’m Black. I’m not.

Omari N.F.
Santa Barbara, CA

Race is something we made up and nothing good has come of it (valiant struggles to overcome its many ills notwithstanding). 20 years ago I’d have been called Negro, 40 years ago ‘Colored’ and today Black. Truth is I am none of the above. There’s only one race, human. My problem with race is all the connotations and baggage that comes with it. If I’m Black I’m ‘supposed’ to talk a certain way. For many people, Black is synonymous with poor, ghetto, dangerous. Again, I’m none of the above. Just as we’ve evolved so it’s no longer appropriate to call me a nigger, someday it will no longer be okay to call me Black. If you want to know what I look like or where my ancestors were from, I’ll gladly tell you I’m a person of African decent. But let’s move away from these loaded, sloppy, insidious categories we call race.

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