“Great! The Nepalese interpreter has arrived!”

Jennifer Edgoose
Executive Vice Chair

I was born in our nation’s oldest birthing hospital in Providence, Rhode Island to Korean immigrants and did not have an opportunity to visit their homeland until I was 30 years old. “So where are you from? No, where are you really from?” has been asked of me many times in my life, whether as a child in rural Indiana or a medical student in the heart of NYC. On this day I rushed into an obstetrical patient’s room at 2am disheveled and in blue scrubs to attend a precipitous delivery and my arrival was announced by a nursing student. I teach 3-hour workshops today to clinical learners about implicit bias, racism, privilege, and intersectionality but on that day my teaching was short – and I hope memorable – when I responded, “I am the supervising attending physician.”

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“Great! The Nepalese interpreter has arrived!”
“Great! The Nepalese interpreter has arrived!”