I am disappointed in my race.

William Spellman,
Towaco, NJ

The year is 2021. It’s been over 50 years since the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were passed and became law. Suddenly, the Republicans in the South are reversing those laws that protect these equal, great people from discrimination. Why would they do this? Don’t they know that most black people aren’t bad people? Don’t they know that many blacks have dabbled in crime because many opportunities they should have gotten in life were not available to them? Maybe if we all decided to accept minorities for who they are on the inside, then we would treat them equally in a court of law. Then we would maintain the rights they deserve. Then we would work happily and diligently alongside them to maybe delay the inevitable destruction of the Earth by global warming. And we would live in a slightly more utopic, happier society.

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