All Black people deserve to drown….

Analise Glover.

I am a bi-racial female from St. Cloud Minnesota. I grew up in a predominately white community in all white household and was raced by my white Mother and white Step-father. The first time I realized that I was different from my all white family despite my brother, was when I was in the second grade. 7 years old is when my color became the subject of reality for me when a white classmate told me that his mom and grandma told him that “All Black People deserve to drown and die in the Mississippi River, and since I was half black, then that meant I should drown too.” Unfortunately this was the first time I was told something in regards to half of my race but not the last time. Actually, finding 6 words was the easy part, finding which 6 words was the hard part for me. “You’re not black, you’re not white” “That’s a really profound college, wow” “We are too conservative for that” and the words go on. But these words, were the first.

What is your 6-Word Story?