Explore The Race Card Project
Autumn Danielsen,
Maquoketa, IA
Moving from a bigger city to a small town, I hear a lot of comm...
Thornton, CO
God loves everyone equally, so why cant we? -Boulder universal...
Noah Jay Geneski,
Norfolk, NE
I am a white teenage boy and I have heard countless stories of th...
Cindy Anderson,
Burlington, IA
I chose this because I have to hold on to memories of my daughte...
Dulce K Struthers,
Mount Vernon, WA
I grew up undocumented and am still unlearning my behavior ...
Tufani Mayfield,
Boulder, CO
I have always been a fan of haiku and the literary condensing abi...
Bridy Palisi,
Port Jefferson Station, NY
My race card “Embracing differences, creating a cla...
Zahra Hersi,
Fairfax, VA
I'm a mixed kid and it's weird because I don't really act 'black', but...
Charlotte Kuiper,
Sheldon, IA
The reason I chose "breathing their stolen breaths, I ache" is b...