Explore The Race Card Project
San Jose, CA
Since moving to the San Francisco area, I've been told by a few men quite ...
Warren Winburn
Louisville, KY
The media stretches out the race issue like an elastic toy. studie...
Submitted via Twitter @Spinsterellla
I Talked to my mom a few minutes ago (morning after the Tray...
Jenna Overton
Langhome, PA
I'm a half-black college student. My friends and I were having a disc...
Erie, PA
At one point I worked three jobs just to make ends meet and pay student loan ...
Diama Gabriel
Miami, FL
I'm in between waters. I'm not African American for the black Americans,...
Anne Janks
Oakland, CA
Many privileged white people who live in the Bay Area of California belie...
Ken Segehrs
Wentzville, MO
Some whites fought for equal rights, even in the face of a gun....
Afra Sumeir-Zmolek
Grand Prairie, TX
People see me without a head scarf, holding my American hus...
Growing up biracial you feel the pain of a world still hung up on race and the hope of world ...
Crystal White
Detroit, MI
Growing up with a fair complexion in a place like Michigan is harder t...
Erica Parker
Southland, MI
"Ebonics is retarded and anyone who speaks it is just showing their l...
Elizabeth Alford
Oakland, CA
White privilege goes wholly unnoticed and unacknowledged by a lot o...
Sarah Nesbitt
Dallas, TX
I guess you could call this an epidemic of the current generation. Race...