Explore The Race Card Project
Adelia Dozier
Atlanta, GA
Every time I have to check my race as "white" or "Caucasian" my stoma...
Andrea M.
Newton, MA
I grew up not really ever thinking about my race until my college applicat...
R.Henry Goins
San Francisco, CA
I am a genealogist. I have been researching my North Carolina fa...
Middletown, NJ
I am a 6th grade student at Bayshore Middle School and some of my friends...
Mrs. Lopez
Phoenix, AZ
As an adult, I reflect on things my mother has taught me. There’s a ha...
Tanisha Henderson
Raleigh, NC
There is perception and then there is reality. What do you do when...
Adja Toure
Annandale, VA
Not a day goes by without at least one schoolmate telling me I'm white...
Carol G.
Arnold, MD
I want to be able to hold my head high when my grandchildren look at old pic...
Madison, WI
I hate how some people will just assume that I am racist because I'm white its...