Is this what racism feels like?

Boston, MA

I was shopping with a dear friend and her two children. She needed to use the restroom so I gladly took her precious chubby baby in my arms while I waited with the other boy in his stroller. It could not have been 5 minutes before some nasty woman came up to me and asked in an ugly confrontational tone if the children were mine. She obviously disapproved of a person with white skin holding a baby with brown skin. I looked down at this beautiful perfect child and right back at her and said “Yes he is! Isn’t he perfect?” She went off in a huff. Of course by that time I had regained my composure and had thought of several other things that I would have liked to have told that woman. I was left with a horrible angry sick feeling in my heart. I thought of what it would be like to be treated like this all day every day. To be instantly judged and have assumptions made about you. To have total strangers think they have the right and responsibility to come up to you and say hateful words to your face! If I met that woman again I would thank her. She gave me a tiny taste of perspective that I was lacking.

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