Jokes Can Be Just As Harmful

Skyla Gochenour,
8th Grade Holland New Tech High School,
Holland, MI.

Every day there are supposed “jokes” batted back and forth between man every day. While many of these jokes are seemingly harmless, they can really hurt people. Especially people like me. Since I have lighter skin it is impossible to tell that I am Mexican, with the only thing to prove it being several of my other family members. I do not speak Spanish, I do not like tacos, and I certainly do not fit the Mexican stereotype at all. Due to my paler skin, people may say a joke or two directed towards Mexicans unknowingly, or in even more serious cases- racial remarks. When I hear this, I always feel upset, they are insulting my mom, my grandma, my grandpa, my cousins and even my best friends. While you would expect them to fall silent in guilt after I tell them that I am Mexican many people do the opposite. A common response would be “Good, I needed someone to mow my lawn.” or, “So you like Tacos?” I have had to deal with this for my entire life and I am sick and tired of it. Even if it may be a “joke”, it is not funny at all. We don’t all eat tacos, we won’t mow your lawns for free, we are not all illegal immigrants. We are all people, we have hobbies, interest, and everything you have. So what makes us so different?


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