“Privileged” kid meets Black men …golfing

Jim Scherrer
, MI

I grew up in Grosse Pointe Woods …. All Caucasian community born in 1950. Around 1960, give or take, I attended the Detroit Free Press sponsored golf school. When you completed the classes, you received a card that allowed one to play at any of Detroit’s city courses for 25 cents! My dad would take a bunch of us from the suburbs and drop us off at Chandler Park Golf Course and we would golf for the day and he or other parent would pick us up later. So here’s the Race part. As a kid, we’d play with 2nd shift or retired African American auto workers. So my first experience with Black people… Was playing golf and these guys couldn’t possibly have been more patient and accommodating of us kids golfing with them. In our time of watching Tiger Woods coming up with some notoriety of his success in a “white man’s sport”, my experience was much the opposite. Certainly, race has not left the golf discussion with recent “fried chicken” remarks. I love this project by the way.

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