Racism causes Hypertension, Hypertension causes Death

Teresa Ashe.

Hypertension is the number one killer of black people. It is the underlining cause of so many illnesses. The biggest stressors for black people comes from dealing with on-going racism in all aspects of their daily life. They deal with it on their jobs, the lack of healthcare, the neighborhoods in which they are forced to live, the treatment they receive from the police, the state, the government, the lack of education they receive, the lack of financial support. the total disregard from other groups of people that their lives matter. The list goes on and on. This all steams from someone making a conscious decision to treat a group of people as if they don’t matter all because of the color of their skin and this is handed down from generation to generation in the DNA. This is why they say hypertension is hereditary. You didn’t have to live during 250 years of slavery or 100 years of Jim Crow or 50 years fighting for civil rights to be impacted by it. We are still fighting in 2020 for the same rights that every other American is born into unless you are black. Now you ask yourself would you be stressed and what would your life expectancy be? So with that said someone choosing to be racist causes someone to stress over the value of their life which causes them to have hypertension which causes their life to end way to soon.

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