Sick of being “The White Girl”

Ellie Warring,
New York, NY.

I am a 14 year old white female and every single day I am judged for my skin color. Everyone assumes that because I am white I am a Trump supporter, rich, happy all the time, racist, and snobby. They tell me that I have no culture. And I’m tired of it. I am the same person as you. I have a heart and a brain and I need food and water just like you. I may be a different color but is that supposed to mean something? Am I terrible for being lighter than you? Do you expect me to fit your stereotypes too? Or can we be equal? I have a friend who is not white. I have known her for a very long time but I am not as close with her as her other friends because of my skin color. I want to be equal to my peers. Not all white people are as terrible as you may think! Please do not assume. I am the same as you. Please, remember that. I love everyone no matter what color they are. I am white and I am not racist. Please everyone, do not think bad of others based on their skin color.

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