Strength is not yours to Exploit.

Carletta Robinson,
Brandywine, MD

I am often described as a strong, direct person. But somehow I get excluded from the everyday conversations that others take for granted such as the idealization, planning, and collaboration aspects of my work. However, when the going gets tough and nothing else will do but to stand as a united front and provide a composed, concise, and clear way forward, I am suddenly part of the conversation, and am expected to be the voice that needs to be heard.

My strength comes from the resilience required to overcome a system designed for failure and what it takes to adapt an “I will show you mentality” which has enabled me to survive and strive when circumstances were often stacked against me as a black woman.

Often times the other aspects of who I am as a person is not of interest to others when I am in fact at the core, a fun-loving, sometimes goofy, supportive wife, and mother who has so much more to offer as a human being. It is a shame that most people will never know that because they can’t get past their unconscious bios or their inability to associate me with someone who needs to be treated like a whole person. Anyone who has ever taken the time to know me knows that I mostly Jerry’s wife and Christopher ‘s Mom above everything else.

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